
Mrs. Shamali More

Vice Principal
Ramabai Paranjape Balmandir - Vile Parle (East)

Dear Parents,
As the Vice-Principal of a prestigious institution, I view it as an honour to pen down my message on our school's website.
My desire to pass on knowledge is what motivated me to become a teacher. However, spending time with naive preschoolers was the icing on the cake. When their wings are strengthened, these charming young birds take to the air. It makes me the happiest when they return to greet us. We have the good fortune to encounter it frequently.
When board results are released, a large number of students visit the school and pay respect to everyone, including the principal and support staff. Students talk about their favourite play areas at school, cultural events they attended and delicacies they relished, that have enriched their childhood memories. This demonstrates how our Bal mandir has had an effect on the minds of the pupils because they treasure the recollections of their time with us.
Ramabai Paranjape Bal Mandir is a unique illustration of a modernised curriculum that is appropriate for pupils between the ages of 3 and 6. It also adds a cultural touch to make learning more pleasurable.
We believe that education is a process of awakening individual potential to creative knowledge, but more importantly, enlightening students with the wisdom that “Although a successful career is crucial, having a decent character is more essential.”
I wish and pray, that every day be a special day for every student with a heart and mindset to grow more than yesterday.
Happy Parenting,
— Mrs. Shamali More

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