
Mrs. Purnima Shastri

Ramabai Paranjape Balmandir - Vile Parle (East)

With immense pleasure on behalf of my school BALVIKAS KENDRA's RAMABAI PARANJAPE BALMANDIR I extend a warm welcome to my Dear Parents.
Our kindergarten has high quality standards that are based on ISO 9001:2015 being the most established quality framework used worldwide. This is the 17th year that we have successfully maintained the high quality of our educational system.
It has a welcoming atmosphere for the children. It fosters a positive relationship with students and their parents. It implements a curriculum that promotes all the aspects of child development. We have a team of creative ECCE qualified teachers who use effective teaching aids and assessment methods and maintain a fruitful relationship with the child. The school is also well equipped with the latest audio- visual teaching aids. The infrastructure of the classrooms which are well lit and airy is a positive climate that the school creates.
We have a large play area in the backyard and on the terrace as well and appropriate outdoor play equipment. Our highlight being our "toy train”. Outdoor play helps to improve the child's cognitive development and learning.
Children are introduced to various festivals while keeping our rich Indian culture and traditions in mind. They are educated on the significance of these festivals in today's contemporary world.
For instance we celebrate environment day as 'NISARGA POOJA' (which means nature uncountable)
The "Dolls wedding" is the most awaited event of our school which is a vain display of pomp and grandeur.
Students are encouraged to eat a light snack which is provided by the school with their colleagues in order to meet their social and emotional needs.
Children learn how to interact socially and play together. Sharing is one of the most important values for kids. Their toys and food mean everything to them at this age. The school’s curriculum is designed to improve the student’s Visual, Aural Auditory, Reading , Writing and Kinesthetic abilities.
Our school’s environment which plays a significant role in the lifestyle of the student is a combination of physical & social learning. The entire faculty and management team is dedicated to providing a loving and nurturing environment that promotes optimal growth and development to its students.
— Mrs. Purnima Shastri

Looking for admission of your kid?

Ramabai Paranjape Balmandir is the right place to begin your child's education.